Thursday, June 21, 2007

Plenty to write about.

Mom came back to day morning, so holiday is officially over. Man, the past few days with my Dad were pure bliss. Didn't have to worry about money, or freedom, as both were provided in enormous amounts. It was awesome, I guess I gel better with my Dad, cause never have I had so much fun, and got so much work done (Yup, that's me, allow me to play, and I'll work. Force me to work, and I'll rebel).

Went to see a counsellor about studying in the UK yesterday. It was good, and also I got attached to this cute counsellor :-). Apparently I'm not as much of a useless bum that my teachers led me to believe, and there might be some august institutions left in the UK who actually want to take me in. Let's see, early days yet.

Went to a friend's place for an overnight yesterday. Permission and money were officially a breeze, I wish I had to refer to him only for all matters domestic also. Anyways, drank copious amounts of alcohol (1 quart of Smirnoff +1/2 quart of white rum + 1 miniature of Romanov) and inhaled copious amounts of Sheesha. Was genuinely sloshed after a long, long time. Note to self : A combination of different types of alcohol + Sheesha are all that is required to get you really, really HIGH.

On the downside though, had only a few hours of sleep, and got up with a MASSIVE hangover, could barely open my eyes, any noise above 20 db was enough to send me scurrying for cover and some creep had definitely stuffed excessive amounts of cotton down my throat. As if that wasn't enough, I had to go and pick up mommy dearest from the airport. So I leave house at 10:30 A.M., with barely enough sense to remain on my two feet. I arrive at the airport at 11, sharp on time with all my thoughts concentrated on greeting my mom in the next fifteen minutes and getting the hell home, and to my beloved bed. The shock that I got when the flightboard told me that the flight was landing at 12:30 P.M. (it also had the cheek to append 'provisionally' at the end) was beyond description. So there I was, stuck at a airport for the next one and a half hour, with only my mp3 player (filled choc-a-block with heavy metal music, which in my current state, effectively renders it useless) for company. I spent the next few hours, sifting, searching and listening to songs as slow and obsolete as "Chitthi naa koi sandesh" by Jagjit Singh and drinking magnificent amounts of pure black coffee (Six cups in two hours). The blessed flight finally landed at 1, and then at 2, I fell into a deep slumber, and that was my Nirvana for the day.


Sneha P said...

dude..i've spent like the last half hour on ur blog...
ur majorly bored most of the time unless....ur playing footy, listening to metal or in sheesha...
and as in most cases...Mom is the bane of free life...

Unknown said...

man, that was one helluva night.. frickin killer man! really needed that! cheers!! hec, im never forgettin the groundbreaking concept of mathematics which rendered 5K * 40 = 90K ! truely masterful.. take a bow man! hehe, oh btw, if u get the pics frm shetty, pass em on to me too..

Anonymous said...

Yes, I understand you. In it something is also to me it seems it is excellent thought. I agree with you.